2024-07-27 admin

Minister Cang? Didn’t he say that he would invite me to dinner earlier? Did he know that I was coming and quickly slipped away? Jiao Yi asked with a smile as if he had never clashed with these security guards before. Please visit the mobile phone:

Chapter 22 Never regret it
Mr. Jiao Cang has just returned home. He said he would bring his wife to meet Mr. follow focus, or I’ll call him right away. Said the little security guard who was kicked off by Jiao Yi.
Jiao Yi nodded. Ok, call him.
The young security guard took out his cell phone and didn’t come to dial it out. Another security guard cried, Don’t fight, Minister Cang has come.
Jiao Yi looked in the direction of the security guard’s finger, and a BMW 5 drove up this way. Jiao Yi recognized that the driver was Cang Xiaobo.
Jiao Yi was a little surprised. Cang Xiaobo, the price of this BMW is not less than one million. It’s just a security minister who can afford this level of luxury car.
But to Jiao Yi’s surprise, Cang Xiaobo looks funny, but his wife is surprisingly beautiful. Even Jiao Yi’s scoring standard can score 95 points.
What makes Jiao Yi gape even more is that the female Jiao Yi, who came out of the back seat of BMW 5, was almost the same in age, appearance and temperament. She couldn’t tell which one was Mrs. Cang Xiaobo.
Cang Xiaobo hugged two beautiful women with a car, a left and a right, grinning before Jiao Yi. Jiao Yi brothers, I’d like you to meet my wife Xiuzhu and Livzon. They heard that you are my eldest brother and younger brother.
Jiao Yi smiled and said hello to the two ladies of Cang Xiaobo, but in his heart, he despised Cang Xiaobo. Even ten Cang Xiaobo are not worthy of her appearance. They just put a pile of cow dung in both flowers. Is there any justice?
Jiao Yi brothers, let’s go to the brilliant hotel. Cang Xiaobo didn’t know that Jiao Yi lamented him warmly.
Jiao Yi didn’t dodge the Mercedes with Wen Wan and drove out behind Cang Xiaobo.
Ten minutes later, a group of people came to the door of a luxury hotel. The rear wing of the car looked at the hotel and turned to pale wavelet. It’s not so highend.
Pale wavelet is able to shrug off the laughs. You can’t be too poor when you meet your brother for the first time. Besides, if the hotel owner knows it’s a brother, you must give you a bill.
Wen wan gave Jiao Yi a surprised look. Does Jiao Yi have such a big face?
Jiao Yi thinks that Cang Xiaobo is flattering himself, ha ha a smile and suddenly primly says, Uncle Cang directly calls me by my name, that is, you are commensurate with my master and brothers, and then brothers call me. Isn’t this a mess?
Jiao Yi, though indignant, monopolized Xiuzhu Livzon, the two beauties, but after all, it is Master’s great friend who deserves respect.
Cang Xiaobo shook his head and said, What do you call me is your business? Even if eldest brother comes, I’ll call you brother. I haven’t seen him for years.
Cang Xiaobo’s words are not sad, and Jiao Yi’s heart is also a burst of disappointment. When Master left, he was not only concerned about himself and Jenny Gaolan, but also missed by many people.
Anyway, it’s a pleasure to meet your brother. Let’s go in, said Cang Xiaobo.
Approaching the door of the hotel, the security guard recognized Cang Xiaobo’s face and cried with a smile, Brother Bo has brought two sistersinlaw.
Follow up and look at Jiao Yi. When the eyes fell on Wen Wan’s body, several security guards all showed amazing colors, but they didn’t dare to say anything too much with Cang Xiaobo.
Cang Xiaobo nodded at several security guards and led Jiao Yi into the hotel. His brilliant hotel seemed to be very familiar, and people greeted him all the way.
Cang Xiaobo asked a hotel student to take them into a luxurious decoration bag and said to the opposite student, Come to the best dining table, and you should inform Tiger Brother to let him come and have a drink.
Brother Bo, what did you say? His face turned pale. Xiaobo wanted the best food and wine. Nothing, but he actually asked Emoko to come and drink with him. Isn’t this fellow drunk before drinking?
Although Cang Xiaobo is the security minister of Xianchen Group, he is also a person with status, but he is not qualified enough to let Emoko come and drink with him.
Cang Xiaobo said calmly, I told Emoko to come and have a drink, so you told Emoko. He will never regret it.
You mean Emoko will regret it if he doesn’t come. Sheng’s face turned cold because no one has ever dared to talk like this since he came to the brilliant hotel.
Pale wavelet is still look the same light said your understanding ability is good
Well, I’ll inform Minister Emoko Cang that you are waiting. Cold smiled and went out of the package.
Jiao Yi looked at Cang Xiaobo doubtfully. Uncle Cang, what are you doing? What do you want that emoko to come and drink?
Because I know that Emoko must want to see you, Cang Xiaobo said with certainty.
Jiao Yi wondered, What does he want to see me? I know him.
It’s because you don’t know me that you invited him over.
If it weren’t for Cang Xiaobo’s being a great friend of Master, Jiao Yi would have wanted to hit someone. This joke is better than playing Zen.
Fortunately, Cang Xiaobo didn’t hang Jiao Yi’s appetite again and said, Emoko’s status today can be said to be due to your master’s help. In recent years, Emoko has been asking people about your master’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, there has been no news from your master. I dare to assert that he will definitely want to see you if he knows that you are your master’s apprentice.
Jiao Yixin blurted out, Uncle Cang, do you think Emoko is?
You didn’t guess wrong Emoko is the leader of Hei Hu gang Pale wavelet nods.
Jiao Yi’s face was excited. Master Luo Fan and Hei Hu knew that they were helping him, but he didn’t know that this splendid hotel was actually a Hei Hu gang industry.
Where did master go? Jiao Yi has no clue at all. It’s a comfort to see master’s old friends in those days.
Just then there was a burst of footsteps outside the bag, and then I heard the original sound Emoko is here
One second, the door was unceremoniously pushed open, and a man in his forties came in with a powerful momentum.
This year, a man with a thin face and a good figure kept his arms and chest muscles bulging Versace shirt and full of strength.
No, xiaobo’s introduction. With this year’s man’s momentum, Jiao Yi can be sure that he must be Emoko.
Indeed as expected pale wavelet up to the man respectfully tunnel emoko
Emoko’s face is very cold and sharp as an eagle’s eyes. Cang Xiaobo’s face sinks. Cang Ye is so awesome. Please visit the mobile phone:
Chapter 229 Hei Hu help Luo Erhu
Uh, Emoko, you misunderstood. Pale wavelet’s face changed slightly. He came to give Emoko a surprise. I didn’t expect Emoko to come with a black face and not give him a chance to explain.
Emoko is still a black face sneer at a way: Pale Ye, you are prosperous now. I can’t afford to be a pale Ye Emoko in Luo Erhu. When I hear that I don’t come, I will regret that Luo Mou has come to Pale Ye. Come on.
Cang xiaobo was so frightened that he almost regretted it.
I want to give Emoko a surprise, but this appetite is too big. Emoko is still as angry as before, and now it’s just a surprise without joy.
约茶He used to be a small security guard in the Brilliant Hotel, and he didn’t even qualify to meet Emoko. Because he can speak Miao language, Luo Fan took him to the scenic zone, and his life changed dramatically.
Not only did the scenic zone marry Xiuzhu Livzon, the two fairy wives, but she also had to be given martial arts by Luofan, and she has become the security minister of the fairy dust regiment since then.
However, Cang Xiaobo’s personality is funny but very affectionate. He has never forgotten that Luo Erhu is his eldest brother. He has long been in Luo Erhu, but he has been respectful to Luo Erhu over the years.
Now Luo Erhu bite a pale ye called him pale xiaobo scared silly. Usually, his mouth is quite smooth, but when Luo Erhu is serious, his horse stutters. Emoko is my fault for kowtowing to you to make amends.
Cang Xiaobo got up and bent down to give Luo Erhu a kneeling Jiaoyi and grabbed him. He said to Luo Erhu, Luo Shu, it’s no wonder Cang Shu asked him to invite you over.
Luo Erhu saw Jiao Yi as soon as he came in, but his identity root wouldn’t put Jiao Yi in the eye. Now Jiao Yi took the initiative to talk to him, and his words were quite polite. He only looked a little pale but his tone was still very cold. Oh, I haven’t asked.
Luo Shu, my name is Jiao Yi. Jiao Yi smiled and said that although Luo Erhu was very cold to him, Luo Erhu was the leader of the Hei Hu gang and the master Luo Fan. Jiao Yi was still full of kindness to him.
Luo Erhu quickly searched his mind again to make sure that he didn’t know Jiao Yi, and he had never heard of the name Jiao Yi. The tone was even colder. Mr. Jiao asked me to come and have advice.
Jiao Yi also considered how to phrase Cang Xiaobo and said, Brother Jiao Yi of Emoko is one of our own, and he is my big brother.
Luo Erhu leng for a moment later, his wild breath like a leopard disappeared, and his voice trembled with excitement. Jiao Yi, you are Mr. Luo’s apprentice.
It’s true that Emoko Xiaoyu’s manager said it himself and Xiaoyu’s manager also took Jiao Yi’s brother to see President Gao. It was Cang Xiaobo who scrambled to open his mouth again.
Even Gao Lan and Li Lingyu have confirmed the identity of Jiao Yi. Luo Erhu doubted staring at Jiao Yi for two seconds again. Suddenly, his arms stretched out and he hugged Jiao Yi with a solid excitement. There has been no news from Mr. Luo in recent years. Today, I finally got to see Mr. Luo’s apprentice.

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2024-07-26 admin

What happened? Did Lian Ya believe it? After Xue Ranran left, Mu Chen came in and asked, I don’t think Xue Ranran returned to the office today. Is it Isabella?

Lin Qiao nodded and some nai said, Ran Ran is worried that she will laugh in the office with Lian Ya, so it will be embarrassing when the time comes. In the end, she can choose Isabella to stay there.
It’s a good idea. After all, Xue Ranran is really simple. All he wants is to bully people like Lian Ya. It’s better to stay away from the rhythm and save trouble.
Lin Qiao thought very white and explained very Bai Muchen and she talked about it for a while, and then put it aside for a while. For Lin Qiao, this matter is very important.
What’s the matter? What the hell happened? Lin Qiao was puzzled, but she didn’t know what it was because she didn’t tell Lin Qiao before Muchen. At that time, she suddenly froze.
Don’t be angry or impulsive. When Lin Yao is detained for fifteen days, the day will come and he will come out. Wow, maybe he will look for you. What are you going to do if you find it?
Muchen’s words made Lin Qiao stunned … It has been fifteen days since Lin Yao was released.
Heard Muchen words Lin Qiao thought for a while and said, I should not be so back! Shouldn’t he check his company’s’ assets’ as soon as he comes out? What do you want from me?
Do you think he can not come to you after checking the assets? If you are careful what I say, there is no need to worry if you don’t go out these two days, but you must be careful not to be blindsided again if you have to work in two days.
The body of the Chapter one hundred and forty Come out of Lin Yao
Chapter one hundred and forty Come out of Lin Yao
Hearing this, Lin Qiao sighed and said, There are wolves in front and tigers behind. It is a crisis. If it weren’t for you, I really couldn’t go alone.
Lin Qiao said this very sincerely MuChen leng will Lin Qiao took her arms and said, Don’t worry! I will stay with you and don’t worry.
After saying these words, the two men went into another layer, which really made people feel better.
Well, let’s have a rest first! There is still a hard battle in the sky! After that, Muchen asked Lin Qiaoxian to go to bed, and he went directly to take a shower.
The next day, I came to the office. Muchen specially asked people to take a good look at Lian Ya and Xue Yan’s reaction.
Sure enough, after seeing Xue Ranran, Lian Ya deliberately looked at Xue Ranran and said, Are you abandoned? Look at you. You look so pitiful!
get out of here, it’s my own business. If you mind your own business again, I’ll let you know what regret is! After saying this, Xue slowly continued to do his own thing, but Lian Ya still didn’t give up.
It’s still the case that Lian Ya won’t be in this business. Without expression of eyes, you are twittering like a fly, but now it’s not necessarily the case that Lian Ya has been losing money and didn’t take advantage of it. Now it’s hard to see Xue Ran’s bad luck. My heart is very refreshing
You see what you now like like that SangGuQuan? Does it feel great to be abandoned? You used to think of her as your friend. Do you see her as your friend now?
Lian Ya’s words are to provoke dissension and make trouble when everyone is angry. Maybe there will be any special effect.
Do you have to force me to do it? Xue Ranran knew that Lian Ya reached out very well, but she didn’t want to compete with herself, but she was a bodyguard!
Even the elegant cold smile didn’t leave here, as if nothing had happened just now.
Xue Ranran once came to Isabella’s office and began to vomit and said, You don’t know how arrogant Lian Ya is. It’s annoying. I don’t know what it is. I feel bored when I see her.
You still be careful! I heard that Lian Ya will give people any psychological hints. What if it hurts you then? Isabella doesn’t want Xue Ranran to be reckless and relaxed because she has a plan. After all, this matter is not over yet. If it is exposed early, it will be bad.
What? Psychological suggestion? How do you know? Does Xue Ranran know about it?
When Xiao Qiao said that day, you seemed to be playing with your mobile phone. Maybe you didn’t hear it! Isabella glanced at Xue slowly carefully explained.
Psychological suggestion? Is there such a thing? Will it happen to us? Xue Ranran still finds it unbelievable. After all, it feels like the characters in the novel need to add psychological hints. Isn’t this a TV play setting?
Do you remember Joe before depression! It is because of this that Lian Ya doesn’t know what to do to give Xiao Qiao a psychological hint. I don’t know what it is, but Xiao Qiao always feels like dying when she says that paragraph.
桑拿网After Elizabeth finished speaking, Xue Ranran sighed and said, Xiao Qiao is really troubled. I hope this moment can be relaxed and not so tired!
Have you forgotten something? Isabella couldn’t help saying, You can go and see the desk calendar. That man is Lin Qiao’s father.
I didn’t expect that there would be such a thing. Xue slowly leng said seriously, Lin Yao is going to be released? What?
Because it was fifteen days of detention, there was no problem. Absolutely fifteen days without a bowl of dry rice was the worst meal. I specially asked Xue Han to take a photo.
Xue Ranran nodded and said, It’s a pity that it can take fifteen days, otherwise I don’t know how many times I have to repeat it!
Section 159
The two of them are obviously laughing at Lin Yao, but the socalled Lin enterprise is gone, even if she is angry again, she doesn’t want to do it.
Fifteen days after he arrived in Lin Yao, the first thing he did was to go home and check his assets, but when he got home, he found that the villa was no longer owned by the Lins.
After talking to his wife and children, he learned about his new place of residence. Lin Yaoneng looked at the familiar villa not far away and took a taxi back with a little money hidden in his body.
Qianfang was auctioned off because of the asset problem, so there is still a lot of money after paying off some debts, so they are not living on the streets, but they are already very miserable.
Do we live in such a place now? When I saw the scene here as soon as I entered the door, Lin Yao wanted to leave. If it was before, there was no way to live at the root of the house, but now it can be unified
This is already very good. We are saving money now, that is, buying a house before. I still have the share dividend office of Zhao Tuan every month. Although this room looks very different from the villa, we can still live well.
Lin Zhao bought an apartment in order to save money. According to their previous living standards, this is really shabby, but when I think about it, I think it is already very good.
all right! Can you tell me something about our company? How did it go bankrupt? Lin Yao remembers that the company was fine before he was detained. Why did something happen when he went to Lam’s company?
Someone must be looking for trouble. After Lin Yao listened carefully, she gnashed her teeth and said, Guggenheim Mushi and Xue Shi are so desperate to attack our company? Haven’t you ever thought of any good ways to bring the company back to life?
Lin Zhao laughed at this sentence and said, Me? Come back to life? Do you know how serious it was when people attacked our company? If it weren’t for my words, I might have gone bankrupt earlier! I can’t help it anyway. If you can, you can make a comeback!

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2024-07-25 admin

Lin Shuwan took Yun Qianxue and introduced with a smile, Hehe, this is my son Anchen’s wife, that is, my daughter-in-law’s surname is Yun. I heard that she is a classmate with your Lingling.

oh? I haven’t heard about Anchen’s marriage. Why did a daughter-in-law come out so soon? Su mu smiled and asked
Lin Shu-wan naturally said, They are getting the license first, and the wedding is being planned, and then they will invite you to the wedding banquet after they have booked the day.
Sue’s mother laughed. Yo, Chen, the speed is really fast. A while ago, we also set out to let Lingling date him. I didn’t expect him to marry a daughter-in-law before long.
Sue’s mother took a look at Yun Qianxue intentionally when she said this. Her eyes were full of provocation. Yun Qianxue pretended to be unpreparedness, but she was really shocked. I didn’t expect Lin Shu-wan to let Anchen date Su Ling. Did Su Ling like Anchen when she was dating Anchen?
It’s really uncomfortable to think that Anchen had been with Su Ling, but I also know that it was a thing of the past. At that time, maybe she didn’t know what Anchen had done, so she wouldn’t get stuck in it.
Lin Shu-wan smiled, Hehe, fate is wonderful. It’s really a response to that sentence.
Sue’s mother listened to Lin Shu-wan’s words, but Su Ling’s heart was already full of ups and downs. She never expected that Yun Qian-xue and An Chen had developed to this point. Lin Shu-wan said that Yun Qian-xue had obtained the license with An Chen, which means that Yun Qian-xue is now an Chen’s wife.
At this moment, she seems to be in despair. She lost again. She lost completely. She couldn’t win Xia Yuyao then, but now she can’t win Yun Qianxue.
Even if Xia Yuyao didn’t end up with Qiao Zexi, now Xia Yuyao has a cold spell. This God is simply playing with her. God makes everyone around her live better than her.
God is to let her see that people around her are happy and she will never be happy. What did she do wrong? God wants to punish her like this?
At the moment, she can’t keep her face elegant and smile any longer. She pulls her mother and barely smiles. Mom, didn’t you say you were going to do your hair? Let’s hurry.
She doesn’t want to see Yunqianxue for a moment. They have already torn their faces, so even if they meet her, they don’t want to say a word to her.
Sue mother nodded to Lin Shu wan and passed Yun Qian Xue with Su Ling.
Yun Qianxue looked at them and always kept a light smile. No matter what Su Ling thought, she was not wrong anyway.
Lin Shu wan patted Yun Qian Xue’s hand and whispered, Don’t worry if you knew that woman Qian Xue would meet you so soon and kill me.
It’s a good thing that people like Su Ling didn’t read it, otherwise she would probably regret it. She doesn’t like the kind of woman who can betray her friends. It’s a family sorrow for a woman to marry and go home with ulterior motives.
Yun Qianxue laughed, Mom, you don’t explain that I didn’t think much.
Lin Shu-wan nodded with satisfaction. I wish I hadn’t thought much. Chen didn’t meet her. On that day, Anchen had an accident. When he got there, Su Ling had already left, so the two of them didn’t meet. To be precise, Anchen let the pigeons go. They didn’t have a successful blind date.
Car accident? Cloud thousand snow asked curiously.
Yeah, I don’t know what happened that day. Chen’s car was dented by someone, and as a result, he went late. I know that Xiao just didn’t want to go on a blind date, otherwise it wouldn’t be so late. I was too lazy to expose him.
Mom, when did that happen? Yun Qianxue thought of the rear-end collision that day and suddenly had a hunch that Anchen was going to have a blind date with Su Ling that day, but he was late when her car hit him.
Fate is really wonderful. If Su Ling knew that Anchen didn’t go that day because Yunqian snowmobile hit Anchen’s car, she wouldn’t know what she would be angry about.
Lin Shu-wan thought for a moment, It should be in June. Anyway, after several months, I almost forgot about it. Since I knew that Chen had a lover, I never dated anyone again, and I also let them do whatever they like. I really can’t control this marriage.
Yunqianxue murmured tunnel what a coincidence
品茶  title=Lin Shuwan asked inexplicably, How do you say?
Yun Qianxue looked at Lin Shuwan’s small tunnel. It was my car that hit Anchen that day, and my assistant drove it.
Lin Shuwan immediately became happy when he heard this. You didn’t know each other that day, did you?
Yun Qianxue nodded. Yes, it was the first time we met.
Lin Shu-wan lamented that the fate is really wonderful. On that day, she also set out to give her son a blind date, but she didn’t know that the marriage had quietly
Yun Qianxue felt the same way, and something happened. How did she know that the collision that day made her hit such a good man?
After buying skin care, Lin Shu-wan took Yun Qianxue to buy clothes. She really took Yun Qianxue as her daughter. She couldn’t wait to buy all the beautiful clothes in the mall for her, just thinking about dressing her up beautifully.
However, she has bought three suits for Yun Qianxue in half an hour, but she doesn’t seem to want to stop.
Yun Qianxue took her and said, Ann Chen in Mom’s house has prepared a lot of clothes for me. It’s enough to buy so much today.
Lin Shu-wan said, Chen prepared summer clothes for you, and I’m buying autumn clothes for you now. It’s just the season has changed, so let’s buy more new styles. I think that style seems good. Let’s go and see if there are any you like.
Lin Shu-wan said, pulling Yun Qianxue and turning into a counter. Yun Qianxue had to follow her in. Since she had to spend money, she decided to choose her favorite style, so she went in and began to choose clothes carefully.
Yun Qianxue picked up a light gray bat sleeve sweater. She felt the material very comfortable and the style was very special, so she compared herself with one.
Lin Shu wan smiled, Qian Xue has a good eye. This dress will look good on you. Yun Qian Xue belongs to a slender figure and grows taller. Wearing this bat sleeve will be more temperament.
The clerk came over and said warmly, Miss, you really have a good eye. Is this dress a limited edition ball or did it just arrive yesterday? If you like to try it on without self-defense, Miss?
Yun Qianxue nodded and took the clothes. I just wanted to take the clothes from the hanger and stretched out my hand. This dress is good. I bought it and didn’t try it.
Section 93
Yun Qianxue looked up and saw a woman with big wavy curly hair beside her, and she had caught her in her hand and just wanted to try on her clothes.
It is difficult for the clerk to look at the lady. Miss Yang, this dress is the lady’s first look. This person is none other than thinking about Ling Mo’s cold Yang Luoqing. It can be seen that she is a frequent visitor here and all the clerks know her.
Yang Luoqing’s so-called tunnel Miss never gives things to others. She just looks at them and doesn’t buy them. Why should she give them to her?
The clerk doesn’t know Lin Shuwan. Lin Shuwan has never been to this women’s clothing area to buy clothes because the clothes here are worn by younger women.
But judging from Lin Shu-wan and Yun Qian-xue’s clothes, she also knows that these two are not easy to handle.
She can’t help wondering, because she can see that these two are not easy to mess with, but the clothes grab in front of her is just as easy to mess with.
Yang Luoqing Young’s group is a big miss. Although Yang’s group city is not a great giant, it also kills her. More importantly, Yang’s group and Su’s are in-laws.
The president’s wife (that is, Su Ling’s mother) of Su’s group is the sister of Yang’s group. It is precisely because of this that Yang’s group is not so good, but people are afraid of Su’s and a little afraid of Yang.
The clerk is just a small salesman. How dare he offend these people?
A lane is bad to lose her job, she looked at Yun Qianxue with difficulty, hoping that Yun Qianxue could back down.
Yang Luoqing is a contemptuous look at the cloud thousand snow disdain tunnel who are you? Do you know how expensive this dress is? You may not be able to afford it if you try, right? Or don’t wave people here.
Lin Shuwan didn’t want to argue with this woman. After all, there are so many clothes. If you don’t buy this one, it’s because her daughter-in-law has such a good figure that everything looks good.
But after listening to Yang Luoqing’s words, she was suddenly unhappy. She couldn’t stand others saying that about her daughter-in-law, so she couldn’t help being serious.
She walked up to Yang Luoqing and sneered, Didn’t your parents teach you to be polite, young lady? If you don’t even understand the principle of first come, then come back and study hard to be a man.
Yang Luoqing glanced at Lin Shuwan and saw that she was a lady who didn’t know her. She didn’t look down on her. In recent years, she has been pursuing Ling Mohan and has been staying abroad. People in the circle don’t know a few. What’s more, Lin Shuwan is this age group.

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2024-07-24 admin

Why don’t you go by yourself in Chen Ranxin? That’s because … She needs a date, and Lin Tian is the most suitable candidate.

Attending a banquet is a profound knowledge.
Lin Tian is not a novice, but he is also a novice.
And Wang boss also specially sent a driver. In fact, this banquet came because Wang boss invited Chen Ranxin, and Chen Ranxin took Lin Tian.
The driver didn’t park his car in the city, but stopped in front of a courtyard shaded by green trees. There were two carved jade lion heads at the white gate. The bright lights at the gate made the two lions shine as clear as jade, showing their unique owners everywhere.
The courtyard is spacious, full of blooming flowers and green trees: just a few steps away, there is a dim and simple square wooden frame glass lamp, which gives people a sense of the’ 30s, and an ancient and modern feeling is alternately produced.
Lin Tian Chen Ranxin walked for about ten minutes before he reached a threestory small building. The brilliant bright lights set off this small building in the middle of the green lawn.
The green lawn around the house is regularly dotted with some white plasticsteel round tables, which makes people feel relaxed and pleasing to the eye and surprises the owner’s wealth and taste.
桑拿网  title=Um … Surprised, actually Lin Tian just looked at his eyes. Smelling the gas here, he scratched his hair and laughed.
Chapter 224 Dance, please
Those round tables are very comfortable for people to look at here.
There are many exquisite foods at the round table, which makes Lin Tian more comfortable.
Lin Tian also said that the dinner should be in a gorgeous hotel, but I didn’t expect it to be a private place.
Lin day not picked his eyebrows slightly, secretly guess the owner’s identity here.
Chen Ranxin took Lin Tian into the hall with unique design. Lin Tian saw a wellmaintained woman and a handsome man in a suit, flowers, food, belle and gentleman, all of which brought out the best in each other.
It’s very lively here, but it seems that Chen Ranxin doesn’t often attend such banquets, and some of them are unnatural.
Chen Ran’s heart was invited by Boss Wang, just because he thought it would be good for the team to attend this banquet, and Boss Wang could also introduce it and maybe get some sponsorship.
Besides, it’s a charity party, and it’s good to offer love.
In general, Chen Ranxin was persuaded to follow him.
How delicious! When I first came to this place, Lin Tian sighed and shouted in surprise.
There is a lot of food in this hall, but most of it is western food, and there are many cakes there.
Lin Tianshun took a piece in his hand and ate it slowly for a while. His expression was very satisfied.
Sister Xin is so kind to me.
I said, why did you bring me here? There are so many delicious foods. I’ll pack some later and take them back to Yingying. Lin Tianxi zi zi said.
Chen Ranxin immediately knocked on Lin Tian’s head: Don’t talk nonsense. Things here can’t be packed. It’s a shame, isn’t it?
It’s not white … Hearing that it can’t be packed, Lin Tian was disappointed, and in his heart, he regretted that he had eaten dinner late.
If I had known there was so much delicious food, Lin Tian would never have gone to dinner.
Chen Ran heart deeply know Lin day this pair of * * silk touch kind, she left the pie mouth, and a few people don’t know to talk.
A small number of people here know each other, of course, most of them don’t, but they are all exquisite, and even people who don’t know each other can talk.
At this time, Chen Ranxin chatted with several people for a while. Look at the touch, it doesn’t look like someone who just met, but an old friend who has known for many years.
Lin Tian had no interest in these communication, so he sat down alone and ate.
The steak was a little cold, and Lin Tian was not very good at cutting it. While others were not paying attention, he quickly grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. This move was seen by Chen Ranxin, and Chen Ranxin was somewhat naive and thought, If I had known, I wouldn’t have brought this guy out.
But if you don’t bring Lin Tian out, who can you bring?
When Lin Tian was eating, he also looked around. He saw a familiar figure, but although he was familiar with it, Lin Tian couldn’t remember who it was
It seems that I have seen it before, while the boss Wang is talking to the man, occasionally looking at Lin Tian’s side.
Lin Tian thought for a long time but didn’t remember who the man was. When he was not thinking about it, after drinking a glass of red wine, Lin Tian went to Chen Ran’s heart and said, I’m going to clean up.
Go, go, come back for me later. Chen Ranxin is talking to some people, and he is not in Yilintian.
See her nod, Lin day is very quickly around to wash your hands.
When Lin Tianzheng felt a little strange when he washed his hands, he heard a few groans and a body hit the door panel.
Lin Tian eyebrows a pick, then slowly walked past, his footsteps are very light, didn’t make a sound.
Then he bowed his head and saw two feet.
One pair is wearing leather shoes, and the other pair is wearing black silk with black high heels.
Holy shit, so natural? Lin heavenly heart andao, then listened to it with great interest in front of the door.
Hurry up, hurry up. A woman breathed slowly, and the sound was very attractive with a little vibrato.
I don’t know whether it’s her body or a man’s body, which always collides with the toilet door panel, one after another.
Before long, Lin day heard a man gasp.
Then a man growled, and the female voice screamed and trembled.
Lin God knows it’s close to the end, but he still hasn’t left.
He is a little curious, what does the toilet girl look like …
Hearing the sound of dressing inside, Lin Tian did Sarah laugh, then stepped aside and put on a small hand.
After a while, the sanitary single door was hit from the inside.
A ruddy face and heavy makeup came out disheveled.
Her clothes haven’t been tidied up, revealing a large spring scenery, and the skirt hasn’t been put away. Lin Tian glanced slightly and found that this woman didn’t wear pants …
Seeing Lin Tian’s figure, the woman quickly ran out burying her face in it.

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2024-07-23 admin

At the press conference after the game, reporters will always praise their team severely.

As a result, he understated that this is a normal game.
He didn’t praise anyone, whether as a whole or as an individual player.
But this is normal.
Lazio, the European champion, defeated the team that has never been seen before. Is it necessary to happily publicize that the players are doing well and should be encouraged?
It’s normal, but it’s a victory. If you can’t win such a game, what about the European championship?
Winning is the bottom line. Winning beauty is what teams like Lazio should pursue when facing teams like Debrecen.
A round of competition was an accident.
Now that it’s back to normal, what’s there to be complacent about?
If you are happy, you can say that Lazio deserved to almost capsize in the first leg and will continue to do so.
Lazio is normal in the second leg. They finally found the style of being a strong team against those fishy teams.
After the game, the media no longer laughed at Lazio for almost not winning against a team like Debrecen.
Lazio’s practical actions washed away the shame.
Home 7!
With such a big score, even those big teams may not be able to play against teams like Debrecen.
I also said that Lazio’s attack was not good, and everyone shut up.
Pacheco was even more hurthe had to ask for leave from the newspaper because of hemorrhoids.
If Pacheco was a China, he would know that what happened immediately was easy to explainthe winning team was getting better and better, and the fire broke his attack on Lazio. So he was stimulated to get angry and eventually led to hemorrhoids …
It’s a pity that Changsheng didn’t know Pacheco had hemorrhoids, otherwise he would definitely send some Sichuan Xiaomi Chili sauce to Pacheco and tell him that this is China’s special effect for treating hemorrhoids. Just wipe the affected area immediately!
Lazio has been in good shape recently, winning all kinds of big scores in a row.
For example, 13 wins over Barry, 6 kills Cagliari, 7 sweeps over Debrecen.
Such a high exposure naturally attracts constant attention.
Journalists are impenetrable
There is nothing good about football. A head coach’s football news is just those that lead the team to win.
It is the private life of the head coach that is more interesting.
But his coaches’ private lives are quite lowkey, which may be common with their wives.
Many people know the name of the star’s wife and girlfriend, who does what, and there are countless sexy and seductive photos on the Internet.
But what about the head coach?
Does anyone know what Ferguson’s wife does?
How many people know the name of Wenger’s wife?
Mourinho is relatively highprofile, and the public doesn’t know much about his private life. At best, he knows that he seems to have had an emotional crisis …
But winning is different. He is young, his wife is younger, he is famous, and his wife may be more famous than him.
His marriage with Avril Lavigne is a model of football coach and star combination.
Avril Lavigne, the entertainment star, has never been short of paparazzi’s support. Avril Lavigne always wins and often appears in various entertainment magazine pages.
For example, Avril Lavigne goes shopping with Chang Sheng, and Avril Lavigne walks with Chang Sheng …
It is normal for the entertainment media to be interested in Avril Lavigne’s husband.
The sports media are also interested in the stories of Changsheng and Avril Lavigne.
Both sides have the will to win, and Avril Lavigne’s divination naturally often appears in newspapers.
Recently, there is news that Avril Lavigne has terminated her contract with her record company through legal procedures.
桑拿会所Then, naturally, various reports were released to introduce to you what happened.
This is not a secret place, and the media soon found out.
Let’s not talk about what to cancel the contract. The whole world knows.
Keys are details of cancellation.
The media are so powerful that even Avril Lavigne and the record company got everything.
That’s not the point either
The point is that Lazio coach always wins!
It has always been one of the topics that the media are most interested in.
Because he was paid by Lazio at first, it made the listener cry and sad.
The annual salary of 2 million euros is always better than this level. The head coach is simply too chilling.
Now, although it has risen to 3 million, it is not much.
Although Mourinho’s performance is not as good as winning, Inter Milan can get an annual salary of 9 million euros, which is the aftertax figure!
On Mourinho’s annual salary
Up to now, the winning salary is still 3 million euros.
It has been said that it is unfair that the annual salary is so low just because he is not rich.
During the season, when Real Madrid seduced the winner, it was also due to the annual salary factor. Real Madrid recognized that it always won the same annual salary as that diaosi. Why did he come here?
I don’t think I’ll ever win.

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2024-07-22 admin

Three black dragons and a twilight dragon hover around the fortress. They are huge. Of course, they can enter the fortress, but they can help the people inside to stop and support the devil outside.

When Jiang Weihan rushed into the fortress, it was the most glorious moment of Kemmo’s lifehe chased the polluters in oneonone hitalthough Archimonde’s strength is not enough at its peak, it is absolutely unimaginable!
When Jiang Weihan found Archimonde, he was stunned by the present situation. He didn’t expect that Archimonde would be so weak and his size would be reduced so much that he couldn’t beat Kemmo.
In fact, Archimonde can’t beat Kemmo. If he works hard, a few breaths can kill this hateful bug. He also wants to do so, but he is more afraid of seeing the illusion come true.
Because the first act has already happened, he is afraid that the second act will follow.
Just then Jiang Weihan has rushed in and come in. There are indeed a group of mortal heroes behind him!
The second act is about to happen? There are still these people in that wilderness!
Although Archimonde has experienced several brutal battles, his mind is as strong as steel, but when his death prediction comes true step by step, he will still be more afraid!
Kilgardan, my good brother, why haven’t you come yet! Archimonde heart fear and anxiously thinking.
Now that his good brother has suddenly arrived, he can be saved!
After Archimonde launched the strongest attack on the city wall and took the opportunity to escape back, he immediately joined Kilgardan and asked the other horse to come to Outland immediately to help him.
Kilgardan also agreed to come and said that he was going to this world.
喝茶约茶For them, it takes about an hour at most to enter here from the distorted virtual, but Archimonde should have been asleep for more than an hour. Why hasn’t Kilgardan appeared yet?
The polluter had a premonition of abandonment and betrayaldid Kilgardan cheat him?
At the thought of this possibility, Archimonde is even more resistant.
In fact, Kilgardan was ready to leave immediately when he received the communication from Archimonde.
He was ready to release the confinement of the dimension near Outland and wanted to give up the magic that lasted for several days, but he didn’t do it in the end.
Kilgardan has always been a very rational person. He knows very well that his magic horse will be completed in vain, and what powerful effect it will have after it is put into use. From a rational point of view, it will be a bit desperate to interrupt the spell to save Archimonde.
Is it important to save Archimonde or kill Jiang Weihan? When Kilgardan was about to interrupt the spell, this question suddenly came to his mind.
He examined his heart.
Not only did Archimonde see his own death scene, but Kilgardan also saw his own part, which caused all this. It was also Jiang Weihan who didn’t tell Archimonde the details, but he kept it in his heart.
It is more important to kill Jiang Weihan. Kilgardan has a bronze disc in his hand. Jiang Weihan has also seen this disc, which is Sargeras soul organ. Now this disc is blooming strongly in Kilgardan energy infusion, and there is a virtual model of broken continent on the other side, which is the outland structure map.
Good luck, my brother.
Kil ‘jaeden mused in his heart that he had increased the energy infusion because he could feel that the model of Outland had been built, and that he would use this soul device to cast spells. Then everything in Outland would be destroyed after the model was broken!
No one can escape.
Archimonde canif he hadn’t been killed by Jiang Weihan and others.
But how can Archimonde escape? He broke through the back door of the fortress awkwardly, and a large group of beheading heroes were running after him.
Demons nearby have heard his call and are on their way here, but the broken spire fortress ahead is storming the burning legion defense line. Demons are under great pressure to come and support Archimonde at the first time.
However, these loyal demons did not die in the hands of Jiang Weihan and others after rushing through the flames of four dragons, but were seized by Archimonde and drained of evil energy and died.
Now, Archimonde’s body is less than that of others. He can hungrily extract the evil energy of demons to supplement himself, but this is just a drop in the bucket. The energy possessed by these demon minions is almost insignificant to him.
What’s more important is that Jiang Weihan and his men have chased him to fight.
Jiang Weihan saw that the casting distance was enough, and he threw a large number of species in the escape path in Archimonde, summoning large thorns and vines to bind the legs of this great demon.
If Archimonde was bound like this before he was injured, it would be futile to try to bind an adult with a few spider silk. But now Archimonde has been disabled, and the tendon of one heel has been cut off, and the strength of the other sole is still very small. Even his height has shrunk to this point.
Everyone knows that Archimonde’s strength is closely related to his size, and the polluter has fallen into unprecedented weakness.
The sharp thorn of the thorn vine pricked Archimonde’s skin as he struggled. He burned blood, but the vine withered and helped him escape. But Jiang Weihan has come by accelerating the pursuit. He held high the flaming sword and stabbed Archimonde!
This is definitely the best chance to kill Archimonde, and it will never happen again!
Archimonde struggled and feared.
Act two!
This is the second scene!
He raised his claw block and grabbed another one to support Pit Lord to instantly drain the other evil, and then threw his dry body at the pursuers. The new energy infusion made him regain a little strength. He suddenly broke free from the shackles of thorns and vines and strode away in the other direction!
He became even more frightened when he heard the dragon roar in the sky.
Is the third act about to happen?
Is that purple dragon that blocks him and is several times bigger than the death wing going to appear?
He has a strong premonition that he is dying step by step, as if no matter what he does, he will end up in an illusion.
He looked up at the sky as he fled awkwardly. He saw three black dragons spewing flames nearby to stop the demons who came to support him, but there was no strange purple dragon.
He calmed down a little. Looking back, the pursuer was approaching againhe immediately panicked again.
He realized that it wasn’t that the purple dragon in the huge illusion of worm shape was not several times larger than the death wingthe real reason was that he became smaller and he became fragile, and the reference to his peak body shape added that fear.
I am not afraid that these mortals have not become stronger! Archimonde encouraged himself in his mind, so comforting himself calmed him down a lot.
Then he heard several familiar sounds shouting.
Casadin, go ahead and stop Archimonde!
Krasus is about to become a prototype!
These two sounds come from the conductor Archimonde, who hates Jiang Weihan the most.
The storm spirit helps us! this is sal sound.
“lokarogar!” This is the orc death knight who cut off his sole and caused his fiasco today.
Desperate to escape from Archimonde is really fast, plus some demons who come to support and obstruct Jiang Weihan and others. Finally, they can’t catch up with Archimonde for a long time. Jiang Weihan immediately asked the fastest person among them to catch up first!
Must take advantage of today’s opportunity to get rid of Archimonde this menace!
So in Khadga’s stunned eyes, Krasus turned into a huge red dragon with wings rolled up and strong airflow flew to chase Archimonde.
Is he a red dragon? Khadga saw a ghost expression on his face.
As you can see
… hidden really deep enough! Khadga Tucao Road
As far as he knows, Krasus was a member of the sixmember parliament of kirin tor many years ago. Everyone regarded him as a highlevel elf mage from Quel ‘Salas, even Quel ‘Salas, and Khadga was no exception.
But I didn’t expect the real identity of the other party to be a red dragon!
However, it is no secret in Dalaran’s top management, antonidas. They knew Krasus’s identity as early as when they got the essence of the Red Dragon Queen’s life.
Archimonde can’t escape faster than the flying dragon, and it’s even more impossible to escape the imaginary traveler’s pursuit of shuttling through the enemy.

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2024-07-21 admin

Ende (Eden) gave three kinds of desserts in Qing Li two chances after a month, but gave Li Qing one more.

The night rain dessert is not intricate. Recently, Gu Shundao explained to Qing Li some necessary details of the sweet party.
Finally, Qing Li told Zongming a question about her heart.
Is there a Tianyu group on the list of appearances at that time?
Diligence is the second watch ~ (≧▽≦)/~ Seeking flowers and drilling and evaluating various demands (* _ *)
☆, 74 expensive supplement
Tianyu group? The comprehensive inscription chews the word to recall.
Qing Li, you need to know that ende (Eden) will move its internationalization to Jingcheng this year’s sweet festival … There is no need to say anything more after receiving the words.
A company he doesn’t even know is hard to be invited.
Qing Li also continue to ask about this result, she is not without guessing.
Jingcheng can be invited only a dozen times.
There are so many rich people in Jingcheng that they can be seen by ende (Eden).
It’s even more painful to watch those employees in the store get along well with Qing Li in their dreams.
After she got rid of those, with Qing Li’s help, she could realize that expectation in her mind.
She wants others’ eyes. She wants others’ eyes to envy her. Looking at others with such envious eyes, she just longs for such treatment.
There are so many people in the world. Some people are rich when they go out, while others are poor.
Even a little bit, she is eager to be as lucky as Qing Li! Be blessed by God.
I don’t want to continue to be so depressed. I told Qing Li that I wanted to rest for a few days that night and then went back to Xiashan.
Qing Li agreed. Speaking of which, something happened in Li Jiacun these days.
Qing Li knew through talking with the old man that Li Shuya was going to have a blind date with a rich second generation and had chosen a date this week.
The old man is happy that Qing Li is still happy for the old man. The old man wants to ask her if she wants to come back to Qing Li. She didn’t receive the notice or invitation from her uncle that she wanted to see her. She can go back to visit the old man at any time.
Qing Li didn’t want to get involved in those things at my uncle’s house.
But I’m afraid the big uncle’s family is not as lucky as the second uncle’s. The eldest daughter Li Xinyi caught her husband cheating not long after she got married.
After the trouble over there, I went back to my mother’s house and cried and shouted like a bitch, for fear that someone would not know about her husband’s infidelity.
Fortunately, Yang Gu is not so stupid to drink and blame her daughter for her nonsense. It would be humiliating if she went out.
Qing Li married pays photogenic, even the eldest brother daughter Li Shuya that object is also quite good.
On Li Xinyi’s husband’s efforts to persuade Li Xinyi not to make jokes when he plays with Yang Gu again.
Almost a few days later, Li Xinyi’s husband came to pick her up. At first, Li Xinyi refused, but after her husband took out the flowers and said a few sweet words, he was coaxed to pick her up.
Li Meier is not much younger than Li Xinyi. Li Shuya is about to get married, and this idea has begun to move. Her second daughter, Li Meier, went around asking people to find some rich people to date.
Li Meier didn’t feel anything at first, but she didn’t like it after those blind dates.
Brotherinlaw is not so goodlooking, but he is young and gives her blind dates. Those uncles in their 40 s and 50 s or 50 s and 60 s even have some perverted eyes. She likes to touch her and make her sick!
mom! If you continue to arrange this for me, I’d rather die than go! Otherwise, you will wait to drag my body to a blind date! Li Meier stamped her foot and left malicious words!
Yang Gu knows her daughter’s sex. It seems that it is not a problem to think about it. This blind date is even more attractive than her. Don’t say that Mei Er doesn’t look disgusting, which makes her feel unacceptable!
So I didn’t hesitate to spend a lot of money to give the matchmaker a lot of interest, and then I promised to introduce some good goods to their family.
I don’t know if it was a blind cat who died, or if Li Meier burned a lot of incense. The object of this introduction is not only good family conditions, but also goodlooking, tall and handsome, and single at home!
This happy person is not only Li Meier, but also Yang Gu’s idea that this property will be left to Mei Er in the future!
The other party saw that Li Meier was wellborn, welleducated and good, and seemed to have a good impression on Li Meier.
Yan family is engaged in gold, silver and jewelry, and there is no shortage of flaunting wealth in that piece of clothing.
Yan Qi is 27 years old, about 1 in height, and graduated with a master’s degree. He loves small animals. Unfortunately, Li Meier has a small squirrel, which is very cute and successful, which has aroused Yan Qi’s goodwill towards Li Meier.
Li Meier feels that she has found deep love! In order to maintain her image, she began to be polite and smiling, and also began to raise all kinds of small animals to supplement all the knowledge of animals.
Li Meier knows better than Li Xinyi Cong how to grasp a man’s heart.
Yan Ji was attracted by this beautiful, generous and caring woman in front of him. Perhaps it was love that occupied the reason. It was not long before Li Shuya got married, and the wedding date was also finalized.
And all this will happen when Qing Li attends the sweet festival.
Mr. and Mrs. Lu Mingjun have a doubt. They find that the old people often receive expensive gifts here.
At first, Lu Mingjun and his wife were Qing Li, but after calling, they found that they were not.
Ask Li Nainai, Li Nainai is also Qing Li, and the same thing seems to have been delivered from a long time ago.
However, because Qing Li and Lu Mingjun often send some gifts back and mix some Li Nainai, they will miss this rare supplement from Qing Li or Lu Mingjun.
The mistake of traveling with each other has caused loopholes, and Lu Mingjun is more worried about the source. If it is intentional to hurt the health of the elderly, then Li Nainai has been working for so many years. If there is a problem, it should have appeared long ago.
Things are packed and sealed, and there is no trace of them being opened, and this supplement is very expensive and expensive, which is not affordable for ordinary families!
Lu Mingjun and his wife don’t know who will send these things to the old man, and they don’t know who the old man will know to talk to Qing Li. Maybe Qing Li knows what is going on.
Qing Li was silent for a while before he responded.
Now that you have received it, let’s do it. It’s okay.
I’m very happy to receive the notice ~ (≧▽≦)/~
☆, 75 back to your own room to sleep!
Qing Li’s tone of voice Lu Mingjun and his wife think that she knows who to send, but she doesn’t want to say that they don’t ask much.
Li Shuya’s wedding day was as spectacular as Qing Li’s. Surprisingly, Li Sheng called Qing Li and asked her to come to the wedding.
夜生活The reason, of course, is that Yu Lin wants to show Qing Li and Gu Tianqi that even if Gu Tianqi doesn’t marry and chooses Qing Li, her daughter still marries a rich man and is a better soninlaw than Gu Tianqi.
Since my uncle and they all gave her a message to let her attend Qing Li, there was no reason to refuse to tell the man about it, and Gu Tianqi didn’t mean to refuse.
Location Church of Notre Dame It is said that Li Shuya’s husband generously paid Li Shuya’s family to celebrate the wedding. After adopting the western culture, all the relatives of the Li family and even some villagers were directly invited to Jingcheng and then stayed at the hotel.
I am naturally happy to be invited.
The bride’s family celebrated Qing Li without going back. Instead, the old man wanted to come to Jingcheng Qing Li. It was impossible for the old man to live in a hotel with those people. Instead, he received the villa directly. Gu Tianqi did not object to it, but the man asked Qing Li if he wanted to take the old man over.
The old man naturally rejoiced and asked Lunt not to arrange her residence. She went directly to Qing Li.

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2024-07-20 admin

And several members of the rear Z team bowed their heads and said nothing when they saw Lin Tian, and they also felt that he was unintelligent, especially Lin Qi, who had just lost so deep hostility to Lin Tian. When she saw him bow, she felt that he was unintelligent and could not help but despise him.

Chen Ranxin pulled Lalin’s skirts and told him to endure.
Xiao, apologize to our boss quickly, or you will go out sideways today.
I really don’t know, boss, rest assured, I’ll let him kneel to apologize to you later.
Kneeling apology which is enough? At least knock two XiangTou
Dare to provoke the boss, it’s really impatient to live.
Sound, Lin day finally recovered, he still didn’t speak, but took two steps forward.
Seeing Lin Tian coming, Li Shan looked at him with pride and squinted: Apologize on your knees, and I’ll pretend it never happened.
After Li Shan finished this sentence, the three men behind him looked sarcastic and erotic.
If you mess with anyone, you have to mess with this big devil Li Shan.
Is a few people waiting for Lin Tian soft, behind is Lin Qi and others can’t look, is Chen Ran heart going to get things to, Lin Tian looked up and revealed a cold smile.
He didn’t say a word before, but kicked it in the past.
After this kick in the past, Lin Tian finally spoke: * *, you are the little baby, don’t give face! !”
Lin Tianqian was silent not because he was afraid, but because he was a little dumbfounded.
He has never been pointed at the nose and scolded for forcing young people to talk, and he still puts on such a proud look!
Moreover, this person makes Chen Ran’s heart very disgusted. After all, Lin Tian began to do it.
Fighting is as simple as eating for him. Although the master once warned him to teach him kung fu, he must never bully the weak, but this fat man in front of him is not weak in any way.
They all didn’t expect Lin Tian to dare to start work. When he came to his absolute being, he had already seen that Li Shan fell to the ground, bowing his body, as if he were cooked prawns.
Chapter 33 I bear
Aye, aye! Li Shan called one, but Lin Tian didn’t stop.
He didn’t expect that he could kick Li Shan to the ground with such a foot. Li Shan was really like a hill, but he didn’t expect it to be puffy.
Thinking of this person’s arrogance and his tone towards Chen Ran’s heart, Lin Tian immediately squatted, grabbed Li Shan’s head and slammed his knees!
A scream rang out, and Li Shan’s footman finally returned to absolute being, thinking of the former.
While several people in the rear Z team were surprised. The root didn’t expect Lin Tian to be so big, so he started work directly.
Lin Qi eyes with light, gently cover your mouth.
She just looked sarcastic at Lin Tian, and some looked down on Lin Tian, but as soon as things came out, she immediately knew that she was wrong.
Lin Tian, like his ll style, never knows what cowardice is!
Who dares to come over, I will kill him Lin Tianyi looked up at the three classes and said coldly.
The three footmen saw that Li Shan was lying on the ground with blood all over his face and his face was swollen. He was really afraid that Lin Tianyi would make a determined effort. What about Li Shan?
You let him go, do you know who he is?
It’s over, you’ll get what you deserve, and this room will be hurt by you.
Listen to this kind of words, Lin day sneer at one, and a few, that li a miserable shout, finally black at the moment, directly fainted.
Lin day slightly asthma, see li a full face of blood, he let go.
The three men hurried around to beat Lin Tian up, but when they saw Li Shan in a coma, they quickly shouted, Call an ambulance.
It’s over … it’s going to be a disaster.
S city, there are those who dare to master li …
Seeing that the three men were more anxious about Li Shan’s life and death, Lin Tian quickly turned back and said, Run.
He is not a fool. Seeing that things are getting bigger, he quickly called several people to retreat.
When they left the hotel, there was a discussion all the way.
Lin Tian, you are too fierce. Is that fat so knocked out by you?
I want to come, but my heart sister won’t let me.
Your temper is too explosive, but I didn’t provoke you today.
Hearing these remarks, Lin Tiansong shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile: Luck, luck, if I don’t pay attention to my hands, those three people will take it. Once they are entangled, it will be difficult to go.
After that, Lin Tian touched his nose: I am actually a kind person.
Everyone: …
In the end, Chen Ranxin said, Go home first. You didn’t do it just now. This matter has little to do with you. Go back and have a good rest and train tomorrow.
See Chen Ran heart was slightly cold, and they also dare not respond, hurried away, when leaving, Han Xiao took a look back at Lin Tian, also don’t know what’s going on.
After everyone left, Lin Tian sat in a BMW with Chen Ranxin and rubbed his hands in the back seat.
While Chen Ranxin looked serious.
After a while, Chen Ranxin glanced at Lin Tian: What did you just do?
That Sun is so angry.
This is definitely not a reason.
… well, I this is purely against rival in love?
Chen Ran heart zheng, she didn’t expect Lin day would say such a word.
Her face was reddish, and then she resumed that slightly serious expression: You are in trouble, so Li Shan has a strong identity background.
品茶论坛Lin day shrugged his shoulders, he naturally know these, but he just can’t help it.
When he changed the subject, he said, Sister Xin, will the security guard come after I hit someone? What has never been a security guard?
Threestar hotel, the security measures inside are excellent, and Lin Tian, at first, unexpectedly nobody came, which made him confused.
Chen Ran gave him a white look: I’m a bit of an elder sister of your heart. That Li Shan is higher or lower than me. These two are not good for provoking a fight. It’s strange that the security guards in the hotel dare to come out to take care of it.
So that’s it. Lin Tian should be one.
After saying this, both of them were somewhat silent. Chen Ranxin sent Lin Tian home directly. After seeing Lin Tian off, Chen Ranxin revealed a firm look and said, Lin Tian.
Don’t come out these two days. What happened today has nothing to do with you. If something happens, I will bear it!
Words, Chen Ran heart turned the car.
Looking at Chen Ranxin’s departure, Lin Tian felt a warm current in his heart.

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2024-07-19 admin

Moreover, Barak is sincere in his constant success, and it is inevitable to admire others’ success. It is not wrong to call himself the boss

Go, the team needs your contribution.
Changsheng knows that the most important thing for people like Barak is to express their needs for him.
Sure enough, I heard Chang Sheng say that Barak’s eyes flashed.
Then he came out.
Today, the Olympic Stadium in Rome is particularly lively.
Because this is the first game of this stadium in the new season, no matter whether it is the Super Cup or before the league, there is nothing going on at the Olympic Stadium.
The Italian Super Cup should be played here if it is not moved to Beijing.
Lazio played away in the first round of the league, and now they have finally returned to their home.
桑拿会所This is the first home stadium in the new season. Lazio fans packed the Olympic Stadium.
The Olympic stadium, which can accommodate 72,000 people, is full.
This is not a battle of strong dialogue focus.
Lazio won the first triple crown in Italian history this season, which gave them a lot of points.
The number of Lazio fans has increased greatly, and fans are more interested in watching the game on the spot.
That’s why Lotito insisted on building his own stadium. Seeing such a high seating rate, the income on the match day was cheaper in the end. He really had reason to be unhappy.
Barak laughed when he saw the almost packed Olympic stadium when he came out.
He has never been afraid of this crowded environment.
The more people there are, the better his condition will be.
Let this game be my rebirth in michael ballack!
Chapter two hundred and fourteen Barak rebirth
When Ballack started playing, those who were malicious to him were going to watch him laugh. They speculated that Ballack would be ignored by Lazio again in the first few minutes of the game.
But after waiting for ten minutes, Lazio did not bypass Ballack.
On the contrary, Ballack was very active in this game. He once became the core of Lazio’s attack and defense!
This has scared many people.
It’s only been a week and a half. Why did Barack behave differently?
Ballack’s personal performance so far in this game is really comfortable.
Every class in this special training for more than a week has left a deep memory in his mind.
He can still remember everything that Rudy, the boss and assistant coach, said to him.
And what should he do if he is organizing the core football with different feet and different feet in the family business?
He can remember all these clearly!
When the game started, he quickly got used to this feeling.
He observed the situation of the stadium and then compared it with his own training situation, and then he was surprised to find that most of the situations were actually rehearsed in training!
His heart was secretly surprised by this discovery.
He also knows how much work the Lazio coaching staff has done and how well prepared they are …
No wonder this team can win the Triple Crown and the Champions League twice in three years.
When Ballack found out that he was a former Chelsea player, he had a record of playing against Lazio, but he didn’t know anything about this team.
It was not until he joined the team that he discovered many things that surprised him.
The more he knows, the more he feels that this team is terrible.
At the same time, I think this team may really be able to successfully participate in the European Championship in two years …
After the start of the game, Barak took the initiative to ask for the ball many times and was completely different from the performance in a game.
The commentator Caressa saw the difference at a glance.
Today, Ballack is very confident … It’s amazing that he is still so confident after losing the German national team … What happened to him during his more than a week?
It is true that many stories have happened in this week, but it is a pity that these reporters have not paid attention to Flamelo, and they have paid attention to the national team competition.
So now they are surprised.
Ballack didn’t have a direct assist or goal until the end of the game.
However, he is something that everyone can’t ignore. In the Caressa game, Ballack’s name keeps coming up, because if he doesn’t talk about Ballack, the game can’t be explained.
In Lazio’s attack, the football passed Ballack’s foot many times.
Later, after the game, he was the player who scored the most goals in Lazio.
Although he didn’t assist and score goals, his contribution to Lazio’s attack can not be ignored.
It was his midfield coordination that ensured Lazio’s smooth attack.
Lazio scored three goals in this game, none of which was assisted by him or initiated by him.
Anyone who really knows his midfield performance can see it.
Ballack’s performance in this game is much better than that in the last one!

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2024-07-18 admin

Well, I’ve been thinking about returning it to you when you come back.

To Yin slightly one leng reached for the ring this ring or put you there first …
What are you doing? HeLianYin panic to hold her hand pupil dim Yin you won’t even our wedding ring? You picked this ring yourself, do you know?
She looked at him stupefied and suddenly reached out to hold his arm. Her voice was very light and her eyes were bright. No, I want to get this ring back when I regain my memory.
He Lianyin looked at her in amazement and believed what he heard.
Brother, the doctor said that if I forcibly restore my memory, I might have to pay a great price. Seeing He Lianyin’s nervous eyes, she knew what he wanted to say. She put her hand over his mouth and said softly, I know you want to say that even if I don’t have a memory, you won’t mind, but I will. I don’t want to live like this. I don’t even know how we met, know each other and love each other. How can we talk about being together with you? I don’t want you to love me so much, and I want me to remember that even if I give my life, you are worth it.
He shook his head and said, I don’t agree.
She didn’t speak again.
Gently pulled him and kissed his lips. His lips were cold. She kissed him gently and laid hands on him. Brother, be me and let me know how I feel about you.
He closed his eyes and his eyelashes were slightly moist.
The rational brain has always begun to distinguish things in a chaotic way. Finally, he said softly, Okay, I promise you, but I forbid you to make fun of your own life. If you still can’t remember it at a great cost, I will ask you to give up forever.
If you agree to my request, I will agree to your request, she said with a smile and bright eyes. Let’s start brain treatment after recording Two Days and One Night.
That night.
Two people finally put the tangled knot for a long time.
Xiang Yin put her wedding ring into the necklace of He Lianyin. I’ll put this ring here first and wait for me to get my memory back. I’ll want it back.
Although many memories are missing in her mind, she believes that she must like him very much. Since she has experienced the things of forgetting Sichuan and Takazawa, she has gradually become white. At least two people’s happiness is stronger than two people’s pain.
Good. He was lying on the grass with a wedding ring on his neck and laughing loudly. I will listen to you if you want to come with me.
Laugh at Yin and lie back in the grass. He looks at the quiet night together.
Xiao Yin He Lianyin set off and moved a little closer to her. Couples watch the stars together to hug together. You can’t come so far away from me.
She couldn’t help laughing. Won’t you come over a little?
Well, I’ll come over, he said in a short breath like a first-love teenager. Can I hold you and look at the stars, Xiao Yin?
whatever you want
Section 324
Then I hug you. He reached through her neck and slowly pulled her into his arms.
Don’t always say it to Yin Wei’s red face.
Don’t say that I’m afraid you won’t agree, and you know that your personality is smelly and hard. If I don’t say that I decided privately, you will be unhappy.
Xiang Yin was ashamed to say that those things are different from these things at ordinary times
What’s different?
Look up at Yin. No, I’m so sleepy.
Then go back to your room and sleep. I’ll take you back.
Chapter 199 Two days and one night
Two days later.
约茶Shooting for Two Days and One Night
The director also specially encouraged Yin to participate in the reality show for the first time, so that she should not be too nervous after the mirror, just keep her original personality and show her personality charm appropriately, not too insensitive.
Nodded to Yin said white.
The makeup artist fixed her makeup. In the mirror, she wore light nude makeup, long eyelashes, crimson lips, pure and lazy. Because it was a reality show, she needed to wear her hair, which would be relatively lively.
He Lianyin came out of his exclusive makeup, and he had already set his hairstyle. He came slowly from a distance with a beautiful small lunch box in his hand.
He walked up to her and handed out the lunch box. Xiao Yin gave this to you.
What is this? She raised her eyes and hairstyle, but his face was without makeup and asked, It will be turned on in an hour. Haven’t you put on makeup yet?
I always don’t want it, he said lazily and his eyes were black. This lunch box is Tong Tong. Let me give it to you. He said it’s for you. Open it and have a look. He made it himself.
Slightly surprised to Yin, he opened the lunch box in his hand. The fact is that a box of white rice noodles and green beans made a love peach to Yin …
Ha ha ha ….. He Lianyin laughed. This bear child is so cute that she made a plain lunch for her mother.
Xiang Yin …
He sat down with a smile
Stare at Yin with a quiet expression What’s so funny?
He looked back at her with beautiful eyes and looked at her quietly for a long time. After that, he spit out two gentle words I miss you
Xiang Yin blushed slightly.
It’s not good to say these strange things outside and be heard.
If you hear it, you can hear it. If you hear it, we will announce our relationship.
What don’t? The smile in his eyes did not diminish. Are you ashamed to announce your relationship with me?
No, I don’t deserve you yet. I don’t want to speculate in your name, okay?

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2024-07-17 admin

Although the old lady Nie said that Shuiqingping Borough Heights would not be in danger, Nie Yan was still worried about pestering her for two days. She finally let go and agreed to let him come to Borough Heights to secretly protect Shuiqingping.

However, Nie Yan never thought that he had just arrived at the edge of Boro Heights and he actually saw Shui Qingping’s grave.
Nie Yan couldn’t believe that Shui Qingping would be separated from him forever if he came to Boro Heights.
At that moment, Nie Yan dug up Shui Qingping’s grave like a madman. When he saw the buried body, he completely collapsed. Although the body was already dark, the facial features of the body were familiar to him, but it was his fiancee Shui Qingping.
According to the symptoms of Shuiqingping’s poisoning, Nie Yan knew that Shuiqingping was suffering from broken bones.
Nie Yan, who chopped the broken bone mountain into pieces, still feels avenged. He is going to the broken bone mountain with Shui Qingping’s body and tombstone to discuss it.
Then it was chased by Jiao Yi.
After listening to Nie Yan and Jiao Yi, it is no wonder that a young woman in Shuiqingping will appear with dozens of source stones.
Broken bone mountain beast poisoned my fiancee’s life with dozens of source stones. Nie Yan and broken bone vowed to be sworn enemies.
When it comes to the end, Nie Yanshen has a strong murder.
NieXiong broken bone mountain in front of the fire island, although nothing is, you are alone. Jiao Yi woke up again.
Nie Yan nodded and said, When I found out that Qingping was the beast hand of Broken Bone Mountain, I had already asked my spirit pet, Pifengying, to rush back to the fire island. I believe that the master from the fire island will soon arrive at Broken Bone Mountain.
Jiao Yi nodded secretly. Nie Yan was not carried away by hatred and anger. He had already arranged it.
In this case, I’m relieved to wish Nie Xiong a victory over the broken bone mountain. Jiao Yi said that he was ready to leave and leave. After all, Shuiqingping took the source stone and was dropped by him and the ghost horse.
Which know he didn’t cross to the ghost horse Nie Yan stopped him brother, etc.:
品茶论坛Chapter 1292 Sit up and take notice
Chapter 1292 Sit up and take notice
JiaoYi mind a tight NieYan stopped him will be to ask the fifty pieces of source power falling?
Although he absorbed a lot of source power, Jiao Yi knew that he was definitely no match for Nie Yan. It was polite for Nie Yan to talk, so Jiao Yi resisted the idea of running away.
NieXiong is there anything else JiaoYi turned to a face of peace.
Brother, you avenged Qingping and saved her innocence, but I still don’t know your brother’s name. Nie Yan sincerely tunnel.
Jiao Yi was relieved. That’s what I asked.
Nie Xiong, I dare not call Jiao Yi anxious Jiao Yuyi.
Nie Yan took a deep look at Jiao Yi and then at the ghost horse and asked, Brother Jiao, are you from Boro Heights?
Yes Jiao Yi did not deny that it was not necessary. The ghost horse is the most obvious label in Boro Heights.
So Jiao Brothers are you?
Don’t wait for Nie Yan to ask Jiao Yi to admit that Nie Xiong really told me that I came from the spiritual world.
You haven’t left Boro Heights since you came from the spirit world, have you?
I have been in the celestial world for less than ten days.
Nie Yan can’t calm down any more. You just came from the spirit world and never left Boro Heights. You killed two people in Broken Bone Mountain by yourself.
This is what Nie Yan wanted to ask at the beginning, and now it is confirmed from Jiao Yi’s mouth, and his heart is horrified.
It’s the broken bone mountain that has no position from the fire island. The surname Diao and Xin are even more small roles of the broken bone mountain, but in any case, it’s also a spiritual practitioner.
It is the limit for the spiritual world to break through the virtual environment, but the divine power is not at the same level as the source power, and the true god can kill the spiritual practitioner if the energy breaks through the virtual environment again.
Actually, my hand is Diao Xin, and that scum poisoned himself. Jiao Yi said frankly.
Nie core is even more shocked by what Xin wanted to poison himself.
One reason is that Jiao Yi made him completely desperate.
Jiao Yi may have killed Diao for other reasons. Maybe Jiao Yi was unprepared. Maybe Diao died by himself, but it can make Xin give up hope. It is absolute strength that can achieve the effect.
Nie Yanshi can’t figure out how a spiritual practitioner is afraid of breaking the virtual environment without source power to the point of poisoning himself.
But Nie Yan knew that Jiao Yi was telling the truth.
He looked at the bodies of the two men in Broken Bone Mountain. One of them was punched through a blood hole from the back to the chest, but the other one was that his legs were broken and it was not fatal. Moreover, the black body also confirmed that he was poisoned by ghost light eating blood powder.
Jiao Yi brothers, you really make me sit up and take notice. Nie Yan’s sincere tone reveals his intention to make friends.
A person who has no source power to break the virtual environment will have absolute strength to crush two spiritual practitioners. If he has enough source power in the future, it will be awesome.
At this moment, Nie Yan gave birth to the idea of inviting Jiao Yi to join the fire island. If Jiao Yi shows his potential, he will surely grow into one of the top experts in the fire island in the future.
Of course, it depends on Jiao Yi’s meaning, but Nie Yan seems that Jiao Yi has no reason to refuse.
Jiao Yi came from the spiritual world to the divine world. It is suspected that it takes a lot of source stones to break through the reincarnation.
Nowadays, there are no natural source rocks in the divine world for a long time, and all the source rocks have been mined in the treasure houses of all the major gates.
That is to say, if Jiao Yi goes out like this, it is very unlikely to get the source stone, but if he joins the fire island, he can get enough source stone.
However, it is not a good time for him to invite Jiao Yi to join the fire island now that he has just met follow focus Yi.
Nie Xiong flatter me, thanks to the fact that I have absorbed a lot of divine power in Boruo Highland. If I touch the broken bone mountain when I first came, the two people will die. Jiao Yi understated tunnel.
Nie Yan nodded and said, Brother Jiao Yi, I estimated that people from Huodao should have received the news for a while, and we will leave for Broken Bone Mountain soon, and we will hurry there.
We and I also go to Broken Bone Mountain Jiao Yi was surprised.
Brother Jiao Yi, do you have any place to go when you leave Boro Heights? Nie Yan asked.
Jiao Yi shook his head. His most urgent task now is to find Pangu Buddha, but the problem is that he doesn’t know where Pangu Buddha is.
But Jiao Yi is more sure that Pangu Tianzun will never break the mountain of bones.
So he didn’t want to go to Broken Bone Mountain with Nie Yan.
When Jiao Yi considered how to reject Nie Yan, Nie Yan spoke again. Jiao Yi’s brothers, the two beasts of Broken Bone Mountain, will poison Qing Ping, but I didn’t find the source stone.
Jiao Yi secretly scolded the lying trough, didn’t he agree not to ask this?
But now that Nie Yan has played a key role, it is not good to play dumb.
Nie Xiong killed the two animals in Broken Bone Mountain in this way, and then I found 50 pieces of source stone. At that time, I didn’t know that I would meet Nie Xiong, so I took the source stone away. Jiao Yi admitted frankly.

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2024-07-16 admin

But what is so strange and puzzling is a creature. When SAMA took the initiative to post it, Zhang Hengyi turned it down mercilessly because of the woman who only had two sides.

However, when people were prepared not to keep in touch with him after being hurt by him, he just felt that something was suddenly missing in his heart, as if he were pouting at that playful girl, pulling his arm with great intimacy and sprinkling charming figures on himself. It’s really true for himself.
Not just a friend.
At the moment, this made Zhang Hengyi really confused. He really didn’t know what he really liked in the deepest part of his heart was the perfect goddess who made him dream.
Or is this a beautiful woman who is not sincere to herself by her side
unter den! Knock! Manager? It’s me, Ah Yi.
Early in the morning, when Zhang Hengyi didn’t come for today’s routine training, he was already called to the office by the manager. It seems that there is something urgent to discuss with him.
Ha ha, Ah Yi, come on in and sit down.
King looks in good spirits today, and his face is red. Obviously, we were reorganized by ourselves. After lpl shined, it seems that we were really appreciated and praised by the boss, and maybe we took the opportunity to contact several big sponsors. This is not impossible.
Well, I didn’t know the manager you called me here so early.
Zhang Hengyi was obviously flattered by such enthusiasm at this time. He quickly got up and took over the tea made by the manager himself and asked with a little doubt, after all, the former manager has always been very enthusiastic about him, but he has never been like this.
Well, it’s a little unbearable
Haha, Ah Yi, maybe you don’t know it. In fact, it was I who argued that the sponsor and the boss gave you a monthly salary of up to 10,000 yuan, which is the first case in our whole national competition circle!
King laughed again, but he didn’t answer Zhang Hengyi’s question directly. Instead, he talked about the past with great emotion. It seems that Zhang Hengyi was able to come to we or he made a lot of efforts in it.
However, when he saw Zhang Hengyi hear what he was just about to say, he just interrupted Zhang Hengyi’s words with a wave of his hand, but continued to say something.
But you little ha ha is really didn’t let me down! I called you here today, but if I wanted to tell you something, you wouldn’t have expected the news!
King’s mystery seems to be still deliberately hanging Zhang Hengyi’s appetite.
oh? I don’t know.
Zhang Hengyi listened to this and immediately became interested, so he directly asked with a curious face.
Ha ha ha! Ah yi! I wonder if you are interested in changing our contract?
Just after king’s words were heard in Zhang Hengyi’s ears, it directly made Zhang Hengyi feel that the movement in his heart was obviously instantaneous.
Is it to be continued?
Chapter 40 such as choice?
Zhang Hengyi forced the excitement in his heart at this time. He had probably understood what the manager said, but he still held back his excitement and stretched out his hand and took the new contract handed by the manager, leafing through it page by page carefully.
From now on, the contract of lol player Zhang Hengyi of lol Branch of we Club will be renewed from February 2014. In February 2017, the contract amount will be divided from 5% of the monthly base salary of 10,000 yuan to 15% of the monthly base salary of 40,000 yuan.
This, this, this
Although Zhang Hengyi had expected in his mind that when the value he showed far exceeded that of ordinary professional players, the club would definitely give himself a salary increase to retain himself, even if he was the top strength player in the whole world.
桑拿网However, according to the current situation, he still underestimates the club’s emphasis on his own value.
Ha ha! That’s right! That’s 40 thousand You’re right, haha. How about something unexpected? Is our club rich enough? The basic salary has quadrupled directly! The bonus share has tripled directly! ! I dare to guarantee that this level of welfare benefits is one of the best even in the world!
King is really ashamed to say this at the moment. After all, at the beginning of 2014, regardless of the international situation, it was just the national language. Even the royal family and President ig Wang had deep pockets, and the monthly salary of ordinary candidates fluctuated at 61w.
However, the monthly income of star players with high reputation, such as Strawberry Smile, pdd children, Promise Curly Hair, and Big Brother elixir, is not bonus, but only exceeds 10,000 yuan. The monthly salary is never more than 2 weeks. You know, even if the royal team shines in s3 season, its monthly salary is hard to satisfy its players.
At that time, abe, the captain of the royal family, who was defeated by the omg team in China in the s3 final, once revealed that his monthly income was only RMB in 6 yuan because he was about to retire!
At this time, we gave Zhang Hengyi a monthly salary of 40,000 yuan, which can be said to be very high and sincere at the beginning of 2014! !
Plus room and board, up to 15% of the prize money, various club benefits and so on. At the end of s3, it can be said that lanterns are hard to find in the world!
Of course, this also reflects Zhang Hengyi’s own value at this time. Otherwise, the top management of we Club is not stupid. How can we give such a high salary to anyone for nothing? And it’s still three years after signing? !
After all, at this time, Zhang Hengyi’s strength is not only recognized by all lol players in China, but also recognized by Tencent officials as the first single in China, even if it is said that faker, a Korean who claims to be the world’s first single, is better than others, it is not impossible!
Plus, the position of Zhongdan is really too important for the overall strength of s4 team. At this time, the we club gave Zhang Hengyi this high salary, which is the first case in China. It can be said that we made a fortune!
After all, the basic salary of 40 thousand yuan per month sounds really scary, but if it is for anyone, if it is for an, the most dazzling and superstrong player in the current national competition circle, it is absolutely shameful!
Think about it. If you add up to less than 5w salary a year, you will be qualified to compete for the world’s number one single player. You have been in the we team for three years! !
This deal! How to calculate it is also a big profit ratio of we! !
er, this salary is really a bit unexpected. I didn’t expect our club to value me so much, but wasn’t it only one year before this contract period? How to do it now
Although I have to say that for Zhang Hengyi, who is burdened with millions of huge debts at home at this time, the monthly salary of 40,000 yuan is indeed a solution to his urgent need. If I add the income of myself and SAMA Taobao Store, I believe that I can pay off all the debts at home in a few months!
But this contract
Three years! Is this a little too long?
After all, it is only a few short years for a campaigner who is really in the prime of his career, and now he is 2 years old. Wouldn’t it be true if he signed this threeyear contract with we?
I’m a campaigner, and I have to spend my time in the we team when I get the most brilliant and peak?
I can’t help but hesitate at the thought of Zhang Hengyi. After all, what I will choose to do is not to make money or anything, but to realize my dream in my heart!
It is also the most glorious world stage! !
The last and most important one.
S4 World Finals Champion! ! !
Also, Zhang Hengyi, who came back from the rebirth of past lives, finally passed the championship in s4 China or gave it to the Koreans!
But since the day sent Zhang Hengyi back to s3 again, it is impossible for Zhang Hengyi to sit back and watch the s4 world champion be won by Koreans again! !
But now the strength of the we team, even in the national lpl league, is very difficult to truly sweep all other lpl teams to win all the titles, so what about the Korean team with stronger strength and better competition system?
Once the threeyear contract is signed, it means that Zhang Hengyi will definitely be firmly tied to the we team, so if there is any turmoil in the we team, then himself
Three years later, this is also our club’s top management. After all, we first discovered Ah Yi, and you also gave you a stage to show your strength, and you gave Ah Yi such a high salary. The club there naturally has its own concerns and will worry that there will be other clubs to dig people. How come the club will not lose more?
So, Ah Yi, if you really want this high salary, you can never change this threeyear contract!
It’s not unreasonable for king to say this from the club’s standpoint. After all, the club has spent so much effort and so much effort to train talents. If the contract is only signed for one year, what should the player do when the contract expires?
Wouldn’t it be a big loss for the club? ?
At this time, it is reasonable for king to say this, not to bully Zhang Hengyi or anything. After all, the club is also a profitmaking organization, and it is human nature to have such concerns and practices.
Well, I can understand that the club is worried.
Zhang Hengyi’s practice of the White Club at this time is also understandable. It is because he has a look at the new contract violation regulations and then at the skyhigh compensation calculated according to the annual salary multiple, but he can’t help but hesitate
After all, once he signed this contract, it is definitely impossible for him to pay the compensation for breach of contract according to this new contract, which also means that if he wants to quit we midway and join other teams, it may be almost limited.
Once the contract is signed by both parties and becomes effective, if one party tears the contract without authorization for its own reasons, Party A and Party B must multiply the amount marked in the contract by RMB 40,000 (monthly basic salary paid by Party A to Party B) according to the contract signing period, totaling RMB 400,000 (in figures).

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2024-07-15 admin

Just from Jiao Yi’s hand, I took Yangdan’s instant snow at the beginning of Qin Dynasty. I am very moved and willing to give my whole body and mind to Jiao Yi. But now they are all gentle. Can’t this guy talk about this in private?

You can’t Qin Chuxue snorted and turned my back.
JiaoYi hey hey two quick also didn’t pester Qin Chuxue followed and took out the YangDan one by one to Lin Jingyao Huang Dan them.
Everyone has Yangdan, and everyone is happy. Qin Siyu looked at Jiao Yi doubtfully. Didn’t you say that the refined Yangdan material has disappeared? Why do you have so many? Honestly, how many are there?
Ling Binghong Rui Xiao Lei also looked at Jiao Yi intently. They are all the top ten martial arts families in China, and there are also Gu Wu practitioners at home. If there is a multiyang Dan, they all hope to fight for it.
Jiao Yi’s look suddenly became serious. He solemnly said, Opening the hidden pulse is also going against the sky. Even I can’t limit refining, um, twenty Yangdan. I ate one for Jenny and now I have four left for you. These four are all great.
Ling Bing, they are slightly disappointed, but the horse is relieved. Jiao Yi has given them so many benefits in their home. How dare they insist on Yang Dan’s fate?
I went into the house Lin Jingyao waved the YangDan in her hand, and she couldn’t wait to open the pulse.
The same is true of Yu daughters. When Lin Jingyao came out, they all went back to their houses.
JiaoYi dumbfounded nasty way alas alas, you are all gone who will accompany me:
Chapter 77 Making fun of the old?
No one paid attention to Jiao Yi’s wailing and turning Yang Dan into Yang Dan, and all the women couldn’t wait to open the pulse.
Wen wan, after they all entered their respective rooms, they pulled a long face and put on a bad smile, When you will come out yourself.
Sitting leisurely on the sofa, lighting a cigarette, and turning on the TV, it looked like he didn’t have time to watch it leisurely for a long time.
It’s a Qing Dynasty TV play, and several women compete for favor with each other before the emperor and calculate each other.
Long live ye’s governance of the Tianhou Temple is a mess, which is much better than him. Although my girlfriend is not a harem beauty of 3,000, the quality of my girlfriend is more important. Any girlfriend is much more beautiful than the Empress. Haha Jiao Yi said to himself very smugly.
JiaoYi see also pay attention to the movement in the room, indeed as expected less than half an hour Lin Jingyao room out of a painful call.
Jiao Yi knew that this was the beginning of Yang Dan’s opening up of hidden veins in Lin Yao’s body.
Following Wen Wan, they also had a pain in their room. Phoenix Lake villa rooms are all good sound insulation materials, but Jiao Yi’s hearing is very sensitive now, even the slightest movement can’t hide from his ears if he wants to.
A n experienced person Jiao Yi doesn’t worry about Wen Wan at all. It’s impossible for them to open the pulse and have some pain.
Had a while again. Lin Jingyao’s door opened from the inside with a face of pain and turned pale. Lin Jingyao rushed out of the room.
JiaoYi you this YangDan is wrong. Lin Jingyao didn’t know to open the pulse to bear the pain.
Following Wen Wan, they also rushed out of the living room and suddenly there was a pain hum.
There is no problem for Huayangdan to abruptly open up a new meridian, and the taste is of course unpleasant, but do you think about whether it is worthwhile for the strength to skyrocket after the pain? Jiao Yi gently tunnel.
Real open pulse pain Lin Jingyao they bear range is worried about YangDan has a problem now listen to JiaoYi pain shout suddenly low.
品茶Two hours later, the women’s pain finally ended, and sweat appeared on their foreheads
Jiao Yi has already prepared a large number of Qigathering Dan daughters to open the pulse and then absorb the pure aura of heaven and earth in Qigathering Dan.
By dawn, Ling Bing and their strength had a qualitative leap, and all of them broke through to the psychic period with one exception. Lin Jingyao, Qin Chuxue, the hamster, even reached the peak of the late psychic period.
After the excitement, the tiredness came. After all, it took them more than half of their strength to endure the pain of opening the pulse.
Jiao Yi also went into his room alone, and he didn’t have the heart to disturb them in their present state, but fortunately, he still had two days to accompany them.
Jiao Yi left Yunzhou for Yanjing two days later.
When I arrived in Yanjing, Jiao Yi first went to the special warfare group. The main thing he came to Yanjing this time was to open the pulse for the winner.
Seeing the winner Jiao Yi, the first thing is to ask the news of Sato Xuanye. As follow focus Yi expected, Sato Xuanye just evaporated with people.
Chief instructor, I’m going to find master in Yunmeng Wonderland in a couple of days. Jiao Yi is straightforward and tunnel.
There was a long silence before shaking his head. I know you want to see your master Gao Lan and your master. To be honest, I want to see him too, but you can’t leave yet.
Dead attitude Jiao Yi expected that Chief instructor, you are worried about Sato Xuanye’s dog.
The winner nodded in awe and dignified tunnel: Since Yi Shanjing was destroyed by your master, there is no real opponent in the world’s secret service industry, but a Sato Xuanye suddenly appeared to pose a real threat to China.
Fortunately, you have a small success. Du Jie finally has a savage who can deal with Sato Xuan, but if you go to Yunmeng Wonderland, who else can suppress the dog? Staring at Jiao Yi’s way.
Jiao Yi has a relaxed smile on his face. Isn’t there a chief instructor? You can also abuse the dog.
Deadline rushed JiaoYi a glaring way small you are making fun of the old isn’t it?
Uh, I dare not.
I still don’t admit it. Suddenly, the highpitched voice seemed to be really angry. When Xianglong Mountain Villa was old, it was always barely better than the dog that helped the mourners.
Looking at Jiao Yi, who launched the hurricane to kill, is still smiling. The strength of the chief instructor’s funeral dog has risen. Can’t you raise your strength and abuse the funeral dog as before?
The winner’s eyes are as wide as two bells, but he is still smiling.
A moment later, the winner’s eyes flashed a hint of nai and sighed a deep tunnel your novel is easy
I can practice now because of your master’s help, and my meridians have been broken and erected by your master. It is impossible to make the meridians tougher through cultivation. There was a hint of loneliness in the farewell tone.
Well, Chief Instructor, the tenacity of your meridians can be said to have reached the extreme. Jiao Yi nodded in agreement with the lore, and suddenly the conversation turned. Since you can’t make the existing meridians more tenacious, you have to develop other meridians if you want to improve your strength.
Developing other meridians is the last resort. Suddenly, I was shocked and suddenly shot at my eyes. You mean hidden veins?
Don’t wait for Jiao Yi to utter the lore, then shake his head and sigh, But the method of opening hidden pulse has long since never opened hidden pulse. Don’t even think about it.
Think about how it doesn’t break the law. Besides, isn’t there a word called dream come true? Jiao Yi said with a smile.
I was stunned when I suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Jiao Yi’s attitude and stared at Jiao Yi intensely. Don’t tell me you have the method of opening hidden pulse.
What I can’t have to open the hidden pulse method JiaoYi mirth tunnel.
It took a long time for the lore to shake, and then he said, You really can open the hidden pulse.
Jiao Yi no longer hangs his appetite for lore and smiles primly. I have refined Yangdan to open the pulse, but I can open it now.
Dead stare JiaoYi heart has JiaoYi scolded several times.
It’s enough for your sister to open the earth pulse, okay? What do you mean, can open the earth pulse? Just add one after it:
Chapter 7 God’s Realm
Chief instructor, this is Hua Yangdan. Jiao Yi took out a Hua Yangdan from the Tianxin copper box and handed it to the winner.
The winner’s eyes immediately focused on Jiao Yi’s hands to change Yang Dan. For a master of Gu Wu in the realm of heaven, there are few things in this world that can impress him, but the red Dan medicine in Jiao Yi’s hands has unparalleled appeal to him.

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2024-07-14 admin

[Nearby] Seven crows hoof hoof we are here, you look!

Zuo Tangtang looked at the three towers and wandered over. The figure stuck in the wall and did not move.
[Nearby] Come on!
[Nearby] Mu Yunxian/Meng/
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters are stewed/pitiful/I can’t climb my hands.
[Nearby] Northfinch Ladder, point the mouse at the wall and press shif and W keys at the same time, and it will come.
Zuo Tangtang can still get encouragement when he falls from half of the city wall for the first time.
[Nearby] Seven Crows. Yeah, that’s it. Did you do well just now?
【 Nearby 】 The North Bird oiler keeps pressing the keyboard.
[Nearby] Mu Yunxian/Meng/
But when it came down with the second and third fall, everyone was completely silent.
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters stew …
[Nearby] Seven Crows …
[Nearby] Northern finch …
[Nearby] Mu Yunxian/Meng/
Can mu mu be serious? Pay attention to the formation, okay? The watch is cute!
Finally, Zuo Tangtang completed a title: people are not handsome and climb the wall ten times without success!
Everyone can bear Xiao Qi and Lao Bei to give Zuo Tangtang a demonstration again and again.
It’s very dramatic. When Xiaoqi and Laobei consumed the lightness skill value, Zuo Tangtang went like a gust of wind and passed the obstacle.
桑拿会所Shit, m, are you kidding me? Xiao qi and Lao Bei thought of it one after another
However, Zuo Tangtang really didn’t answer their questions at this moment.
Zuo Tangtang’s wall saw Muyun idle with a * * expression coming over, which seemed normal.
But what’s wrong? Is it because Tong just showed that he quit the team, or is it because he is now suddenly popular and covered in red mist? (open red can’t hit teammates)
Something’s wrong. Run!
Zuo Tangtang burst into tears. At the decisive moment, not only was his hand and leg short, but he was beaten as soon as he got there, okay?
When watching MuYun idle a trick to take him away, Zuo Tangtang understood that it would be too late to do something at this time.
So when Zuo Tangtang was kicked in the wall and landed, there was a boss bubble on his head with the words Mu Yunxian, I hate you!
When all peace is restored and the world becomes beautiful again, four people can finally sit together in harmony.
We can take the emperor’s vision to see what the fourperson wall looks like sitting face to face. Well, a mahjong table for four!
Chatting with each other at this time is also close to life.
[Nearby] Beique, I can’t find my sister paper yet? Sister paper! Where is the greasy world?
[Nearby] Seven Crows, this, this may have come to you when you didn’t pay attention.
[Nearby] Mu Yunxian/Meng/
All … Mu Mu dirt.
[Nearby] Will the pig’s trotters stew? Have you been looking in the wrong direction?
[Nearby] Beique is not specific
[nearby] pig’s trotters are stewed, for example, should they be in the same direction as me?
[Nearby] Are the Seven Crows looking for you?
[Nearby] The pig’s trotters stew silly children’s paper and think too much. You can see that Mu Mu is silent and obvious!
[Nearby] Mu Yunxian/Meng/
[Nearby] Where is the northern finch?
Old North is very openminded and can’t see Zuo Tangtang’s smile before his brain.
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters stew gender direction
[Nearby] Northern finch …
[Nearby] Seven Crows …
[Nearby] Mu Yunxian/Meng/
A second later.
[Nearby] Beique Xiaoqi! Get out of my way! I’m definitely going to clean up this dead girl today!
The northern finch is struggling to bypass the small seven, and the small seven is sensitive to the root and the northern finch can’t walk.
Zuo Tangtang this fellow also added fuel to the fire to hide behind MuYun idle buckle word way
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters are stewed in chaos. Old North, you are so unreasonable! I’m telling the truth! You also play!
When everything is peaceful and beautiful again, Lao Bei is telling you a story.
[Nearby] Beique Once upon a time, there were four masters in Wulin …
[Nearby] The northern finches are called East Eye, West Ear and South Mouth respectively. What’s the name of the fourth one?

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2024-07-13 admin

If he doesn’t want the car key, she will return it, otherwise it will really be sold.

Forget it. Just save him for nothing.
It’s better to go to class today.
Keep hitting on the girl, keep looking for her father’s life. That’s the right way for her to ask the master for leave.
When the’ abortion’ is rooted in waves.
But the man has been with her ever since.
She saved him once and won’t save him again.
It doesn’t matter if they return to the bridge from here.
On that first occasion, consider it as if she had learned from him.
If you get over it, you won’t be entangled. Life is not for others, but for yourself.
Lazy into the bedroom vest shorts off, she used to sleep naked to relax and exercise.
Touch the quilt cover, then pick up a table and call the promise when you talk on your mobile phone. He will definitely answer it.
Sally …
Yeah, it’s me.
What’s the matter?
Can’t you talk if you have nothing to do? Listening to his cold voice, she was not happy. Promise that you will be so cold again and be careful that the next generation will not find a girlfriend.
It’s good to be single if you can’t find it.
What a fart! Although she sneered coldly, she was still in a bad mood, that is, she was not happy to say that she sold that word.
Who pissed you off? In the quiet night, the promise sounds cold as if it were frosted.
Haoying has long been used to it. It’s just that Jane is away from the king of assholes, and you are in the city. You two love him, so I won’t do it again. I don’t want to go back to the master, and she doesn’t care if he lives or dies.
品茶论坛The promise on the other side of the phone has not been made quietly.
The silence made English particularly uncomfortable. What do you mean? Why don’t you talk?
Are you sure?
Sure, very sure, sure, sure. Ying Lazy handed the phone from her left hand to her right hand. You just do it. If I get involved, I won’t be a woman.
Do you think you look like a woman? Promise for the first time questioned 1
Well, what doesn’t it look like? She wants boobs, boobs, curves, curves everywhere, okay?
Fighting, killing, swearing
Aren’t you too?
I’m a man and Bang just hung up.
Another king’s egg Ying dropped her mobile phone on the pillow and lay down on the pillow. Who did she recruit and annoy? Why are they all mean to her?
Sleep with your eyes closed
Can toss and turn how also can’t sleep.
She was enraged by Jane.
I lay awake for half an hour and just got up.
I went to wash my hands, but I still didn’t feel sleepy. Look at the car key on the coffee table again. I don’t feel happy. She didn’t sell her to kill people. She took people’s money to help people eliminate disasters. She just wanted to have a baby with him that night. She didn’t sell it.
She took the car keys and opened the door one step away. Jane knocked at the door. She knocked hard for seven times. Jane finally opened the door and opened a gap. She didn’t wait to see the man’s body. She just threw the car keys into the door and returned you stingy.
Jump car keys hit Jane without leaving his body. When he opened the door completely, he saw that the woman was walking quickly back to her door. Seeing that she had not yet opened the door, he picked it up and threw it as fast as a closeup shot in a TV play. Bang, the door was about to close. At that moment, the key was thrown in and he hit the British body directly.
Then he left the door without saying a word.
You … Ying used to know that Jane had a good skill, but now she thinks he has a good skill, and suddenly she is a little worried about her promise and falling into the city. I don’t know if they were his opponents when Jane left.
No, she has to tell them two promises and the city. First, her brother Yu Jianfei is nothing without them now
Say what? Get out of here for the first time.
But this will think that the promise has just been cold, and she really doesn’t want to call him. Then just call Los Angeles. Anyway, if she can’t sleep, she will talk about it.
Chapter 963 Goufu’s Notes (32)
There, I took the English service road, which was very fast and didn’t wait until I landed in the city. Did you miss me?
If you think about it, you will leave the city quickly.
Ha ha, to tell you the truth, it doesn’t seem so fast, but if you beg your sister, I won’t make trouble for you.
Jane is not separated?
The promise has been told to me.
Cut her cold hum. Isn’t that woman a cold mouth and a cold body? But can he not talk so fast?
He is very good at kung fu, and you and your promise are good. After casually saying that, Ying hung up directly.
I really want to smoke a cigarette, but I have to have a baby. She has been totally clean recently.
Endure it
But you can’t smoke, but the food is edible. She can eat as she likes.
There is too much food in the room, so it is estimated that the man will not want it if she returns it, just like throwing the car keys back to her, so she might as well take it and enjoy it.
I opened a watch and ate while cooking Korean dramas. Anyway, I couldn’t sleep, so she was going to suffer like this.
Young, that’s what she does. She can do whatever she wants.

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